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Trumpkin -
The Future of
Sustainable Cheese Innovation.

Finally, a non-dairy cheese alternative that tastes just like the real thing and is packed with nutrients.

A sustainable alternative.

Trumpkin cheese is made from pumpkin seeds, which don't require extensive land usage or harm the environment. Enjoy the taste of cheese without any guilt.

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Nutrient-rich food.

Unlike traditional dairy cheese,

Trumpkin cheese is high in protein

and packed with minerals, vitamins,

and vital nutrients. Enjoy all the health benefits

without any compromises.

Allergen-free & no cholesterol.

Trumpkin cheese is 100% plant-based and free of any allergens like soy, dairy, or nuts. Plus, it has no cholesterol, making it a perfect choice for anyone looking for a healthier cheese option.


Superior Taste and Quality

Our TRUMPKIN cheeses are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring exceptional taste and quality in every bite. We prioritize flavor and texture to create a satisfying experience that will leave you craving more.

Ethical and Sustainable

By choosing TRUMPKIN , you're making a positive impact on the environment and animal welfare. Our plant-based cheeses are free from animal ingredients, reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional dairy cheese production.

Health-Conscious Options

Our plant-based cheeses are cholesterol-free, lower in saturated fat, Top 8 allergen free and  packed with beneficial nutrients from plant-based ingredients.

Indulge guilt-free while nourishing your body with wholesome, natural ingredients.


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